When I was younger, I remember that my late grandfather had a cheese-grater looking thingy for his feet. I later learned that this was for his calloused heels to remove excess, dry skin. As for me, I can count the number of times I've had a pedicure in my fingers and I prefer to cut my own nails at home. Some may feel pampered and relaxed when having a pedicure but for me, I always feel anxious. My heels aren't that dry but I recently felt that the outer skin around my heels are drier can felt calloused than usual.
When I received the iCare Callus Remover, I was quite excited to try it because it came in perfect timing. It's almost summer season s flip-flop and sandals season is almost here. In fact, with the warmer weather here in SoCal, I've been using flip flops and sandals for quite some time now.
The iCare Callus Remover arrived in a nice box. It contained the following:
- 1 Electric Foot Pedicure
- 2 Roller Heads (1 fine and 1 rough)
- 1 carrying pouch
- 1 Cleaning brush
The iCare Callus Remover powers up with 2 x AA batteries which isn't included in the pack. The batteries are installed on the back of the iCare electric foot pedicure and the cover is easily opened and closed.
The electric foot pedicure is turned on using the switch in front. The switch has a safety feature in which it wouldn't move if the white diamond in the middle of the switch isn't pushed.
I like the 2 different roller heads available because both have 2 different functions for me. The rough roller head works great in removing the callouses on my heels while the fine roller is great to buffer up the skin after using the rough roller. Both also has a cartridge which fits the electric foot pedicure securely.
I also like the safety feature of the roller in which when it's pushed too hard against the skin, it stops automatically. I like this so that I wouldn't accidentally scrape my skin with the roller.
I use the iCare Callus Remover once a week after taking a long shower so that the skin on my heels are softer. I use the rough roller first and lightly roll it on my heels for 2 to 3 seconds. If the skin still feels hard after rolling the iCare Callus Remover roller, then I repeat the process until I feel satisfied with the feel of the skin on my heels.
After that, I use the fine roller to buffer up the skin on my heels. Then, I put on a lotion to moisturize my skin. The brush included in the box is perfect to clean and remove the skin debris left on the electric foot pedicure.
I love how the skin on my heels feel soft after using the iCare Callus Remover. Not only that, my heels look nice as well so that I can wear my flip flops or sandals.
The iCare Callus Remover is a perfect tool for me to rid of the dry and calloused skin on my heels. Since I'm not fond of getting a pedicure, I love how I can take care of my heels at the comfort of my own home.
You can purchase the iCare Callus Remover HERE.
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