
Thursday, August 28, 2014

80% HCA Pure Garcinia Cambogia by Pure Body Naturals Review

I take weight loss supplements not because of hopes of losing weight just by taking it alone but I pair it up with a good diet and exercise. For me, weight loss supplements help me lose weight by boosting my energy and metabolism and controlling my cravings and hunger pains.

Pure Body Naturals sent me their 80% HCA Pure Garcinia Cambogia to try and I was happy to try it.

Ever since Dr. Oz. featured Garcinia Cambogia in his talk show, I've noticed an increase in Garcinia Cambogia sellers. I've taken other brands of Garcinia Cambogia before and as I've said, I don't rely on weight loss supplements to lose weight. Instead, I look for the supplement's ability to boost my energy and metabolism, specially when I workout in the afternoon/evening and help me control my cravings and hunger pains.

The Garcinia Cambogia by Pure Body Naturals contains 80% HCA Garcinia Cambogia which is the most effective and most potent formula designed to curb hunger pains without restricting calories or changing your normal routine. It has zero side effects like nausea, jitters or headaches. It is fully lab tested and offers the highest dose formula available. Each bottle contains 180 Tablets which is for a 45-day supply.

I received my Pure Body Naturals' Garcinia Cambogia in a white plastic bottle. It has a colorful label and clear directions at the back on how to take the supplement. When I opened the bottle, I was surprised to see that the Garcinia Cambogia is in tablet form. It has an oblong shape and is a bit big. The past Garcinia Cambogia supplements I've tried before were all in a vegetable capsule and I find them easier to swallow than a tablet. I followed the directions and took 2 tablets twice per day. For me, I took it in the morning and evening.

After more than a week of taking the Garcinia Cambogia by Pure Body Naturals, I was satisfied because it served its purpose of boosting my energy and suppressing my cravings and hunger pains. I do have quite a bit of a sweet tooth and taking this controlled my sweet cravings. Although I'm still overweight, I've achieved my weight before I had my 2nd daughter. As I've said, I pair this with a healthy diet and exercise. I find that I lack energy when I exercise in the afternoon/evening and the Garcinia Cambogia gives me the extra energy I need to finish my exercise. I also didn't feel any side effect like upset stomach or jitters while taking the Garcinia Cambogia by Pure Body Naturals.

If you're looking for a weight loss supplement which will help you suppress hunger pains and sweet cravings as well as boost your metabolism and give you extra energy, you might want to try the Garcinia Cambogia by Pure Body Naturals. As for me, I take this everyday but I still have a hard time swallowing the tablet. If you don't have any problems swallowing any form of pill/tablet, my hubby can take any form of tablet easily, then this is a must try. Like I've always said in my previous reviews of weight loss supplements, I've yet to find a TRUE miracle weight loss supplement which will make me lose weight even without doing anything. With proper diet and exercise, weight loss supplements are there to aid and help you lose weight so don't rely on the supplement alone.

** If you're taking any prescription medicine or have any questions, ask your health care provider before taking ANY type of supplement. :)

You can buy the Garcinia Cambogia by Pure Body Naturals on Amazon priced at $25.95 for a 45-day supply (180 Tablets). BUY IT HERE.

DISCLAIMER: I have received one or more product/s mentioned above to try however, all opinions are honest and my own and are not influenced in any way. No other form of compensation was received. I only recommend products I think are worth sharing. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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