
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Reacher Grabber Tool By Reach It Grab It Review
There are things in life which I wouldn't be able to think I need BUT after trying it out, realize that it's a very helpful tool for my everyday activities. The Reacher Graber Tool by Reach It Grab It is one of those tools and after using it, I know how it has made my daily activities easier.
As a SAHM, I cook home-cooked meals at least twice a day for my family. That's the minimum excluding preparing snacks for my 2 daughters. Because I cook from scratch, there are ingredients stored on the middle and top shelves of our cabinets and being on the shorter side (I'm only less than 5'2"), I have to get a chair in order to reach those ingredients. You might say this is not hard to do, but doing this twice or thrice a day is sometimes a pain-in-the-***, specially when I'm in a hurry. So, when I received the Reacher Grabber Tool, I was very happy about it because not only do I NOT need to get a chair to reach things from our upper shelves, I also can pick up my daughters' toys on the floor. I have a lower back problem so bending too much sometimes strains my back so, this is a very nice tool to use to pick up my daughters' toys.
The Reacher Graber Tool is light enough for my 2 daughters, who are 3 and 6, to use (and play with) but sturdy enough to pick up heavier things like a bottle of spray cleaner and a box of pasta. The only problem I noticed was that it doesn't close tightly at the tip so picking up smaller toys (like small Lego) isn't possible.
The handle of the grabber is very easy to hold and it's also quite easy to squeeze the lever to grab the item I'm reaching. The jaw is lined with silicone so it's grippy, soft and helps hold the item effectively without slipping.

Overall, I love this product and I never knew how much of a help it would be for me.

You can purchase the Reacher Grabber Tool By Reach It Grab It on Amazon with free shipping if you are a Prime member.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


  1. Nice informative work on reacher grabbers. Have blogged it too here

  2. I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work.

    Best Grabber Tool for Seniors
