
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Derma Roller, Eye Serum And Anti-Aging Serum From Petunia Skincare Review

I had the chance to try 3 products from Petunia Skin Care and I was happy to try them.

The first product I received was the Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin C Moistuizing Serum.

Here is a quick product description of Petunia Skincare's Hyaluronic Acid Serum:

Petunia Skincare's Professional Hyaluronic Acid Serum, made with the highest quality vegan-free and cruelly-free hyaluronic acid, is the ultimate anti aging and anti wrinkle solution to give you that dewy, elastic, and youthful boost in your skin. Hyaluronic acid binds moisture and water into your skin to help you achieve plump, soft, and tight skin. Fine lines, crows feet and wrinkles are filled in.
The Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin C Serum from Petunia Skin Care arrived in an amber bottle with a white and blue label. The serum has a cloudy appearance and a gel-like consistency. It smells nice with a hint of an orange-y/citrusy scent.
I apply this serum every night and I like how it works well with my current skin care regimen. I apply this after using my toner and my acne spot treatment product then I apply my moisturizer after applying this.

I also like this serum because it already has Vitamin C included in this bottle and if you've read my previous reviews, I LOVE Vitamin C Serum because it works for me. :)

The serum feels cool when I apply it and afterwards, I get a slight tightening feeling on my skin which I think feels great because I can "feel" the serum working and getting absorbed. It's not an irritating kind of feeling but more of a relaxing feeling. :)

This didn't cause me any skin reactions and it didn't cause my any breakouts too. It absorbs quickly and it doesn't feel greasy at all.

Learn more about the Hyaluronic Acid Serum by Petunia Skincare HERE.
The next product I received is the Petunia Skincare's Revitalize Eye Serum.

Here is a quick product description:

Our eye serum is unlike any eye cream on the market. Most eye creams are thick, oily and take forever to be absorbed into the skin. We have formulated our eye serum to be lightweight with a plush and silky texture. It is easily absorbed into the skin and dries instantaneously leaving your eyes literally revitalized as have added caffeine to provide instant relief for the feeling of heavy and tired eyes.
The Petunia Skincare's Revitalize Eye Serum came in a small bottle with a pump to dispense the serum. It is smaller than the Hyaluronic Acid Serum bottle but I use much less amount of this serum.

The eye serum has a dark yellow color and a thinner than gel-like consistency. It has a very subtle fresh scent to the point of the serum being classified as unscented.

I like using this eye serum because it has lessened the frequency of my morning eye puffiness and swollen eyelids. With just a little amount, this helps me wake up with refreshed and non-puffy lids. It's very easy to use and it didn't cause my any skin reactions.

Since I don't have dark circles under my eyes, I can't really say about how it works for dark circles or with crow's eyes.

Learn more about the Eye Serum HERE.
The last product I received was the 1.0 mm. Derma Roller. The first time I received a derma roller, I was afraid to use it and stalled a bit before I tried it. Who wouldn't be afraid of the word "needle" right? How about 540 needles?! Well, 540 micro-needles to be exact but still, the word "needle" is still there! :)

After mustering the courage to try the first derma roller sent to me, I find it relaxing and helpful for my skin as well as my cellulite. :)
The Petunia Skin Care's Derma Roller has 540 1.0 mm. micro-needles. It has a hard case so I can easily store my derma roller and keep it sanitary. The handle is very easy to hold and it comes pre-sterilized.
In this photo, I wanted to show you a close-up of the microneedles in the derma roller. It LOOKS scary but trust me, it's not painful to use! All I get is the tingling sensation when I've rolled it a couple of times in the same spot already. That's it!
The derma roller is easy to use and it helps open up my pores before I put on my serums and moisturizer. I use this every other night after cleansing my face and it has helped my skin absorb the serums and moisturizer more effectively.

I also like using this on my thighs to help with my cellulite. I use a cellulite cream on my thighs and I found it much more effective when I use this on my thighs before applying the cellulite cream.

After using the derma roller, I sanitize it by running it under HOT water for about 2 to 3 minutes then drying it with a clean cloth. I then return it to it's case and keep it for next use.

This is such a nice product and even if it seems scary to use it at first, with the right amount of pressure and proper use, this doesn't hurt at all.

Learn more about the Derma Roller HERE.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


  1. I couldn't find this detail info anywhere and thought you might enlighten me! Is that needle roller all stainless steel except for the handle? Or are the needles set into a plastic cylinder? To make it easiest to keep it bacteria-free, a cylinder you could remove and toss into boiling water would be ideal. Thanks :)

  2. Wow what a cool blog you have here! I am impressed. You really put a lot of time and effort into this. I wish I had your creative writing skills, progressive talent and self discipline to produce a blog like you did. Your blog really does deserve an honest compliment.
    Anti-ageing eye serum
