
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Precision Digital Kitchen Scale with Removable Bowl By Smart Weigh Review


When I had my first kitchen scale, I was surprised at how easier it was to accurately measure ingredients and food by weight.It has also helped me accurately keep track of the food I eat for a more balanced diet.

The Precision Digital Kitchen Scale by Precision Digital is different than my other kitchen scales because of the removable bowl included.


It has a nice, black design and is very light. The bowl included is made of plastic and is light as well. The plastic bowl has a capacity of 2 liters.
To measure with the bowl, there is a Tare function so that the weight of the bowl wouldn't be included in the weight of the food I'm weighing. There is also a big LCD display with a cool blue back light for easier measurement reading.
If I don't want to use the bowl, then I can just measure the food directly on top of the Smart Weigh kitchen scale.

When inverted, the plastic bowl included is a perfect fit for the scale for easier storage.

I like how I can weight the food either in the plastic bowl or directly on top of the scale's platform. The TARE function helps a lot to zero out the weight when I'm using the bowl. I actually like the plastic bowl because it's light and easy to clean. It can also serve as a cover for the kitchen scale when not in use.

The scale has a 2 kg weight capacity. I like how accurate it is and how easy it is to use. The batteries are already included with the scale so I didn't have to use my own batteries at home.

The platform is smaller than the other weighing scales I have so if I'm weighing more than 1 big fruit, I would need the plastic bowl for it. The smaller platform is compensated by the plastic bowl because as I've said, this is the first kitchen scale I had with a plastic bowl included. :)

I like the blue back light because it makes reading the measurement easier.

I like the 60-second auto-off function because I tend to forget to turn things off. :)

This kitchen scale is really light. This is the lightest kitchen scale I have and I like it. It's a little more bulky though because of the dome shape but the light weight of the kitchen scale makes up for it.

I really like the Precision Digital Kitchen Scale with Removable Bowl by Smart Weigh because it's easy to use, accurate and I have to say it again, I love the included bowl. :)

If you'd like to purchase the Precision Digital Kitchen Scale, it's available on Amazon.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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