
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cook'n Recipe Organizer Review and Giveaway 1/27 WW

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Because my mom loved to cook, she attended culinary classes before. Back then, tablets and readers weren't available yet. She has this high pile of printed recipes on paper from her culinary classes. She also have recipes from my grandmothers and she wrote it in pieces of paper.

I sometimes ask her if I can borrow her recipes and she would tell me to find it in her "recipe collection". Sometimes, I would spend almost an hour trying to find the recipe I wanted! LOL. And sometimes, because her recipes are from way, way back, most of them are over 20 years old already!, the printed recipes would be torn on one side or the words have faded out a little bit already.

I tried copying her recipes and typing it on the PC but it took a lot of time to type all the ingredients and directions letter by letter.

I found the perfect solution to my mom's recipes! The Cook'n Recipe Organizer. I can just scan her printed recipes on the scanner and then I can just import it on the Cook'n Recipe Organizer. I don't have to type all the ingredients and directions manually anymore. With just 1 click after scanning, the recipes would be copied to the Cook'n Recipe Organizer and it automatically translates it to text.

I also found out that I can get recipes from Pinterest with just 1 click of a button! Yes it's that easy. I tried copying a whole Pinterest board with 95 recipes on it and some of the recipes were left blank. I only saw the name of the recipe but the ingredients and directions were left blank. So I have to advise that it's better to copy the recipe one by one on Pinterest instead of copying a whole Pinterest board.

I also love that if I wanted to add more servings to make, I just enter the number of people or servings I need and the Cook'n Recipe Organizer automatically computes the amount of each ingredient I need. Now, I don't need to do the math mentally if I wanted to double or triple my recipe.

It took me about 5 minutes to get used to these options of the Cook'n Recipe Organizer and I am still discovering new ways on how I can organize my recipes using this software.

Here are some other things you can do with the Cook'n Recipe Organizer:
• Easily Enter your Personal Recipes
• Get Ideas for What to Make for Dinner
• See a Visual Menu Planner
• Auto-Generate Shopping Lists
• Capture Recipes From Favorite Websites
• Calculate Nutrition of Your Recipes
• Capture & Sync Pinterest Recipes
• Scan Printed Recipes
• Discover New Recipes w/Live Feed
• Print Themed Recipes - Demo
• Use Snip-It to Capture Blog Recipes
• Import recipes from Word - Demo
• Share Recipes with Social Media
• and much more!

Visit the Cook'n Recipe Organizer on Facebook and Pinterest.

You can also visit the Cook'n Recipe Organizer site and watch video tutorials on how to use the Cook'n Recipe Organizer here.

Now onto the giveaway! DVO Enterprises has generously offered a giveaway of a download copy of their Cook'n Recipe Organizer ($80 value) to one of my readers! Please enter the rafflecopter below for your chance to win a copy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DISCLAIMER: 1 Winner will receive (1) Digital Download copy of the Cook'n Recipe Organizer ($80 value). My giveaway would start January 19, 2014 at 12:00 AM PST and will end January 27, 2014 at 12:00 AM PST. This will be open to US residents only. The prize cannot be shipped to a P.O. box address. Winner/s will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. I am not responsible for prize fulfillment. My role is to give the sponsor the information of the winner and they will directly ship the prize to the winner.  I am a member of Tomoson and have received a free copy of the Cook'n Recipe Organizer software to try and review. All opinions are honest and my own and are not influenced in any way. No other form of compensation was received.  I do not share or sell information and all information shared with me will solely be used for prize shipment. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. My best recipes are written on paper and in a paper file so this would make it easy to share them with those that ask.

    1. I agree with you because it also has an option if you'd like to share your recipes online. :) Good Luck! :)

  2. I will use it to get rid of all my recipes that are written on scraps of paper or torn out of magazines and it would also be great for some of my moms old worn recipe cards too. Thank you for the chance.

    1. I'm doing that now since it's so easy. :) Good Luck! :)

  3. I need to organize my family's recipes - mother and mother in law

  4. I have so many recipes written on paper, and scattered everywhere...this would be used to put those all together in a simple place to this idea

    1. LOL. At least my mom have them in one place in a pile. :) Good Luck! :)

  5. i would love this for myself -- i would love to have a digital documentation of my recipes instead of scattered cookbooks, recipe cards, etc.

    1. Yes it's easier stored on the PC and less messier. :) Good Luck! :)

  6. I would use it to transfer all of my favorite Pinterest recipes to one format to be able to keep!

  7. I have so many recipes pinned on Pinterest as well as 100's saved as favorites on my computer. This sure would help me to keep organized and focused. Love this!

  8. I'd love this be able to track my calorie and fat intake with the recipes on the software.

    Desiree Dunbar

    1. Ooohh I haven't tried that yet but I will try it soon since I'm also trying to lose weight. :) Good Luck! :)

  9. I like the fact you can share them!!

  10. I'd use it to keep up with all my recipes!

  11. I would use it to organize recipes.

  12. This would be wonderful especially to chronical family recipes that are passed along.
    rene chartier
