
Sunday, September 22, 2013

2 for $0.99 Lindt White Chocolate Truffles at the 99 Cents Store! :)

I went to the $0.99 cents store today and look what I found!! Lindt White Chocolate Truffles! These were priced at 2 for $0.99! My 5 year old daughter loves this and at Target, the bigger bags with 12 pcs. are priced at $3.99. Each little bag (1.3 oz) has 3 pcs. of Lindt white chocolate truffles in it. So I can say this is a very good deal! :) No coupons needed. I bought 24 small bags and my daughter was really ecstatic when I showed it to her.

I found these at the checkout counters and there are a lot of boxes left. I didn't do any shelf clearing. :)


  1. Oh my gosh I would be in chocolate heaven. I love these!!

    1. LOL. I know! My diet has been ruined these past few days because of these. :)
