
Monday, December 17, 2012

Review: Cosmo Voxbox from Influenster

I recently received my Cosmo Voxbox from Influenster and was happy to see the products inside. There were 2 Pilot Frixion pens, a Forever Red Exclusively at Bath & Body works, Gilette Venus Embrace razor, a Gilette Venus & Olay refill and a Ghirardelli Sea salt escape chocolate bar (not in picture because my daughters ate it).

The Forever Red Exclusively at Bath&Body Works wasn't for me. The scent is kind of floral and I remember the perfumes my grandmother used. It is a bit too strong for me and a bit matured.

The Pilot Frixion Pens writes nicely but not as vibrant as other pens/inks. What I like about it is that it has a fine point and I can erase it ifever I make a mistake.

The Ghirardelli Sea salt escape chocolate bar was heaven. At first, I was hesistant to taste it because of the flavor sea salt. I took the courage to taste it and was surprised of the nice sweet and a little bit of saltiness in it. I absolutely loved it so does my daughters who ate it all in the car.

I am a Gilette user so I was happy to see this. The cartridges are interchangeable and you can use any cartridge refill on any Gilette razor/system. I like that because I usually buy these when they're on sale so I don't have to worry if the other type/refill is on sale and the system I have is different from the refill.

I received the product samples I reviewed here from Influenster for testing purposes only. All opinions are my own.

Review: BIC Mark-It Permanent Markers

I was given the opportunity by Smiley360 to review the BIC Mark-IT markers. I was excited to join this mission because I love pens and I love doing art.

BIC Mark-It permanent markers have a rubber grip which helped from the accidental slipping of pens when I'm writing. They are also acid-free so I was relieved I didn't have to endure the acidic/alcoholic scent other markers have. The colors are bold and long lasting and the ink dried up in just a few seconds. It also came in a nice storage case and was neatly packed there. No more pens all over the place while I'm doing something. They also come in 36 colors (YES 36!) so I have a lot of colors to choose from.

Below is the snowman lightbulb I made using the BIC Mark-It Permanent markers to color the snowman.

I used darker colors here because the lighter colors wouldn't show on the light bulb. Even though this is glass, the ink dried up quickly in just a few seconds so I didn't have to worry about smudges.

I received a free sample of the BIC Mark-it Permanent markers and the materials used from Smiley360 and all reviews are my own.

Monday, October 22, 2012

V8 V-Fusion + Energy Peach Mango flavor from Smiley360 review

Have you been looking for a refreshing and delicious drink that would boost up your energy and be healthy for you as well? Then you don't have to look any further.
I have been given the opportunity by Smiley360 to try out the V8 V-Fusion + Energy drink. I was sent a coupon for a free product and I claimed it at Vons. I picked the Peach Mango flavor because I love the combination of these 2 fruits and I remember having a similar flavored drink back in my country. First of all, I was surprised of the taste because it tasted so good. I love the right amount of sweetness to it. I also like that it didn't give any after-taste. Plus 1 can only contains 50 calories and it gives me 1 serving of vegetables and fruits.  There are no artificial colors or preservatives and gives me healthful antioxidants such as Vitamins A, B and D. Plus it also contains 100% vitamin C. :)

Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser and Fragrance Mist Review

Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser and Starter Kit review

I'm here to give a review on the Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser and Fragrance Mist I got for free from BzzAgent. I am a Bzzagent and received coupons from them for a free Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser and Glade Fragrance Mist plus some $$ off coupons from them. Let me start with the Oil Diffuser set.

This is the Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser Set. I bought A Fuji Apple & Cardamom Spice starter kit (red box), a Lavender & Juniper berry refill kit (Purple box) and a Pineapple & Mangosteen refill kit (not in the picture and have used it already). Each scent has a different smell and for me, my favorite would be the Fuji Apple & Cardamom Spice. It smells sweet and smells a little bit of cinnamon-y. I love the combination and I stocked up on this scent. The Pineapple & Mangosteen also smelled good but it has a sweet & kind of sour smell to it. The combination is also nice but I would prefer the Fuji Apple & Cardamom Spice to it. I haven't tried the Lavender & Juniper Berry yet as I am still using the Pineapple & Mangosteen refill kit I bought. I will add a review for the Lavender & Juniper Berry once I use it.

The Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser set says it lasts up to 30 days but for me average is about 25 days (which is better than an electric plug-in diffuser which only lasted about 15 days for me). I would prefer the Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser than the electric plug-in oil diffuser. One thing more I noticed is that the Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser covers and makes the whole room smell nice. I placed mine in our living room and unlike the plug-in oil diffuser, (which only makes a part of the room where it is plugged in smell nice) I can smell the Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser throughout our living room. I love that the smell really diffuses into the room. One thing more is that this is safer than the plug-ins because my 1 year old can't reach it. I placed it above the television so it is safe from her.

Now for the Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist:
The Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist is the one in the spray can bottle. I only bought the Fuji Apple& Cardamom Spice scent because it is my favorite scent out of all the Glade scents. I must say I love this Fragrance Mist because it clears out the odor in the house quickly. I used it after I cooked fried fish for my hubby and the smell of the fried fish was quickly eliminated. I also love that the smell isn't that strong. I use it if I want to have a quick burst of a fresh smelling room because it does that easily.

*This is my own review and I was given free coupons for free products and some coupons by BzzAgent to try out the Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser and Fragrance Mist.

Friday, June 29, 2012

My beverage shopping trip with $9.45 OOP including tax. :)

I did this shopping trip at Ralph's. This store is becoming one of my favorite stores to find good price items. I paid $9.45 for all these. Here is the breakdown:

4 Sundrop 2L $0.88 each WYB 4 in a single transaction.
4 Minute Maid Tropical Punch $0.78 each on sale limit 4 per card
1 Kroger Sour cream - $1.29
1 12 pack Coca-Cola Cherry $4.99
2 Bar S Franks - $0.99 each

Coupons used:
4 $0.55 off WYB 1 Sun Drop Diet or Regular Soda
1 Free 12 pack coke coupon from My coke rewards up to $4.99 value.

Total OOP: $9.45 including all the CRV and the tax. :)

CVS shopping trip June 26, 2012 OOP: $13.27 + got $13 ECB back :)

As you might have noticed, CVS has become one of my favorite shopping places. I did this with 2 CVS cards in 3 transactions. My total OOP is $13.27 including the taxes and got back $13 in ECB. Here is the breakdown.

For my CVS card:
4 Pringles @ $1.49 each. Get $1 ECB WYB 4.
2 Colgate Prorelief for $4.86 each. Get $4 ECB WYB 1. Limit 2 per household.
1 Aquafresh travel size for $1.27
4 Aquafresh Ultimate white 6oz. B1G1 free $2.49
2 Aquafresh Cavity 6.4 oz B1G1free  @ $2.49
2 Aquafreshh Extra Fresh 6.4 oz B1G1 free @ $2.49
1 Crest prohealth travel size mouthwash $0.99 (not in picture)

Coupons used:
9 - $1 off any Aquafresh toothpaste (Manufacturer's coupon I got from coupon dispenser)
1 - $1 off Aquafresh toothpaste CVS coupon printed from CVS website
1 - $1 off WYB 4 Pringles
1 - $1 off any Pantene, crest, etc. coupon printed from the CVS coupon machine
1 - $5 off WYB $10 worth of Glaxo-Smith products
1 - $0.50 off WYB 1 Colgate toothpaste (from Sunday coupons)
1 - $0.75 off WYB 1 Colgate toothpaste (from Sunday coupons)

Total price before coupons: $30.96.

I got $8 ECB for the 2 Colgate Toothpaste and $1 ECB for the 4 Pringles.
Total OOP: $12.71 including the tax + Got $9 back in ECB.

For my mom's CVS card:
1st transaction:
1 Colgate Prorelief @ $4.86. Get $4 ECB WYB 1.
8 Aquafresh Cavity toothpaste 6.4 oz. B1G1 free $2.49
1 Crest travel size mouthwash $0.99 (not in picture)

Coupons used:
8 - $1 off any Aquafresh toothpaste (Manufacturer's coupon I got from coupon dispenser)
1 - $1 off any Pantene, crest, etc. coupon printed from the CVS coupon machine
1 - $1 off Aquafresh toothpaste CVS coupon printed from CVS website
1 - $5 off WYB $10 worth of Glaxo-Smith products

Trip summary savings: $27.59

My mom got $4 ECB for the Colgate prorelief toothpaste.
Total OOP: $1.04 including tax + got back $4 back in ECB.

2nd transaction for mom's card:
1 Colgate Sensitive Prorelief @ 4.86. Get $4 ECB WYB 1.

Coupons used:
$4 ECB from previous transaction.

Total OOP: $0.86 (tax not inlcuded) + got $4 ECB back.

So for this trip, we got the items cheap + got back $13 ECBs for next time. :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

BIC Soleil Savvy from BzzAgent

Have you ever used a razor and feel frustrated afterwards? I have! I've used several razors and all of them gives the same result. Unsmooth skin and sometimes small cuts.

I've been using razors for several years now and I must say I don't get the results I want. There are always these tiny little prickly hair that stays on my skin even after I shave. I am too scared to try waxing because I think it's painful (have you watched the prank tv shows or the movies?!).

Now I have been given the opportunity to try the BIC Soleil Savvy razor and I must say I'm excited to try it. BzzAgent sent me this sample plus some coupons I'll hand out to my friends and relatives. Can you see the pink color and the cool shape of the BIC Soleil Savvy?! That's what I noticed about it first! :) I love the color pink and this color suits me. :) Now as for the review. I have yet to try this and will update this blog as soon as I use it. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mail alert! :)

I got kind of busy this past week so I wasn't able to post the samples I received in the mail for the past days. At least I took their photos so I can upload them here! :) Okay for June 18, 2012 hre are the samples I received in the mail:

I got my Dove go fresh deodorant from Costco, my U by Kotex tampons sample, Tully's K-cups and a pair of earrings from Sneaqpeek. :)

Last June 19, 2012, I got my sample of Tide Pods from Vocalpoint and A Sebamed sample with a coupon.

I also received the Bath and Body works lotion, body cream and cologne for me and my mom. I paid $29.xx here including the tax and I got free shipping. Each lotion was just $3 each and the body cram and the cologne were $4 each. Now that's a great deal! :)

Yesterday, I got my BIC Soleil Savvy sample and coupons from BzzAgent, 3 Target beauty bags (for my mom, me and my hubby), my Ovaltine sample, Jiffy recipe book and a $1.50 off coupon for Charmin toilet paper. Even my daughters love it when I receive free samples in the mail. They love opening them. :)

Today, I didn't receive any samples in the mail. But considering I got free samples for 3 consecutive days (Sunday of course wasn't counted), I am happy! :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

My mom's Rite Aid trip $0.74 cents for 50 pcs Air Delights!

Okay I'm not sure about this one but my mom was the one who found this deal. I am too excited to post this one because she told me she only paid $0.74 for all these at Rite aid.! :) She has no blog so I'll post this one here. I'll update my post once she tells me how she got this deal. :)

June 14 CVS trip $3.11 for 2 Stayfree pads, munchkin dora cup, glade freshener!

This is my most recent CVS trip last June 14, 2012. I paid $3.11 + tax for all these. Total savings was $20.35. Here is the breakdown.

The 2 Stayfree ultra thin pads (28 ct) are on sale for $1.74 each. I found 2 peelies from them for $1 off any stayfree product. I also used a $2 off coupon any 2 pads from the CVS magic coupon machine. So i got them for free! :)

Next is the Munchkin Dora cup with straw which is on clearance sale. The price was $3.64 and I used a coupon I printed off the internet for $1 off any Munchkin cup so that makes the final price $2.64.

Finally, I have a thing for air fresheners so I bought another Glade spray freshener for $0.99. :)

Free Sample alert! :) (June 14 and 15, 2012)

Aren't you excited to get free stuff? How about getting it in your mailbox? Isn't that MORE exciting?! :) Since I always get excited when I get samples in my mailbox, I thought of sharing my excitement with you. ( I should've thought of this sooner. I already received lots of samples in my mailbox before this but didn't get the chance to take a picture of them.) I got this samples in my mailbox last June 15, 2012. I got the Ruffies trash bag (3 pcs + a coupon) and the Poise pads. The day before, I received the Nexcare bandages (3 pcs + coupons). (I uploaded the picture below).

So what did you get in your mail today? :)

My CVS trip with my mom and I only paid $17.30 + tax for Huggies, toddler wipes, Physician's formula eyeshadow, etc.:)

Okay this is for now my best trip at CVS. I got all these for only $20.97 (tax included) for all these. My total before taxes was $17.30. I made this trip last June 12, 2012. Here is the breakdown:

2 Huggies Slip on Size 3 (66 ct) were 50% off so each was only $11.49. I used 2 $3 off on any huggies diapers (I've been saving them for quite some time now for these offers). So the total of the 2 diapers was only $8.49 each.

2 pcs. of the Glade Air Freshener (see that only 1 is shown here because I already used the other 1 in the bathrrom.) :) for $0.99 each.

Physician's formula Eye shadow for free! I scanned my CVS card in the magic coupon machine and it gave me $7 off any Physician's formula cosmetics. Some of their Physician's formula cosmetics were 40% off that time (this one included). This was priced at $7.07 after the sale price and I used the CVS print out coupon from the machine + I used a $1 off any Physician's formula cosmetics manufacturer's coupon from the Sunday's newspaper coupons.

I forgot to use my coupon on the Sally Hansen nail polish. It was 75% off so I paid $1.82 for it.

I used a coupon (again printed from the CVS coupon machine) for a $2 off $10 beauty product purchased.

Next is the CVS potty training wipes tub which is 25% off. I got it for $1.86. And I also got the CVS potty training wipes refill which was also 25% off. I got it for $2.61.

Last is the 2 Tressemme travel size shampoos. I got another grat coupon from the CVS coupon machine which is $2 off any 2 Tressemme products. Their trial size was $0.99 each so I used the CVS coupon for this.

Then lastly, I got $5 ECB from my previous purchase so I used it here and my total came to $17.30 + tax. :) I saved $69.09 on this trip. :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Review on Smooth N Shine Keratin Power Hair Tamer from BzzAgent

I received my Smooth N Shine Keratin Power Hair Tamer from BzzAgent the other day and I am excitd to try it (now I have to find the time to apply it to myself). Here is a picture of what BzzAgent sent me.

I forgot to add the coupons they sent me. There's 1 $5 off coupon and a couple of $2 off coupons. Here is a picture of my before hair.

It is a bit wavy and a little fluffy and a little bit dry. This is how it looks after I've blow-dried it so it is much wavier and unruly when I just let it air dry. I will post pictures of my hair after I use the Smooth N Shine Keratin Power Hair Tamer. :)

Here is a picture of me after I used the Smooth N Shone Keratin Power Hair Tamer

As you can see in the 2 pictures, there is a BIG difference. My hair now feels smoother and of course it is straighter. It looks natural and it is shinier. It didn't weigh my hair down unlike my previous trips to the salon where I got my hair relaxed. It is a great product and I will use it again. :)

Dr. Scholl's and Aquafresh kids toothpaste deal at Target

Okay this was a more recent trip to Target. This was my trip on June 4, 2012 and this includes 3 pcs of the Aquafresh Fresh and Fruity toothpaste for kids and 2 Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles (1 for men and 1 for women). Okay I am excited about this deal because I got all these for free! Okay here is the breakdown.

3 Aquafresh Fresh and Fruity toothpaste for kids -- $1.89 each.

I used 2 different coupons for each toothpaste: 1 is a $1 off Fresh N Fruity Kids Toothpaste from the aquafresh website Aquafresh coupon and the other 1 is a Target coupon for $1 off any Aquafresh toothpaste 4.3 oz or larger from Target's website Target Aquafresh coupon. I printed 3 sets of coupons (note that you can only print 2 per computer but I have 2 computers here so I can print up to a maximum of 4) and I used them on the 3 toothpastes. Total for the 3 toothpaste was $5.67 and these came out free after I used 3 manufacturer's coupon and 3 Target coupons. :)

For the Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles, they were $9.49 each and there's a $5 gift card when you buy 2 from Target. As a BzzAgent, I received a sample + some $5 coupons for the Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles. This was the perfect time to purchase this for my mom and my brother as they to wanted to try too. There was also a $2 off coupon from the Target website at that time for any Dr. Scholl's insole. I printed off 2 of the $2 off coupon from the target website and used 2 $5 off coupons from BzzAgent. Total was $19.00 less $10.00 (2 manufacturers coupon from BzzAgent) and less $4 (2 Target coupons for $2 off any Dr. Scholl's insoles). My total was $5.00 and don't forget I got $5 gift card for purchasing 2 Dr. Scholl's insoles. :)

All in all, my total savings was $24.67. :) Now that's a sweet deal. :)

My first big huge haul from Ralph's

Okay I know this picture and post is way overdue but I would like to share my first big huge haul from Ralph's store. I recently discovered that Ralph's is a great shopping place especially for deals. I noticed that their prices are a little bit higher than other stores but if you go there, you'll find some pretty good deals.

First off, my shopping trip was last May 23, 2012. I went to Ralph's to look at their $1 Aquafresh toothpaste deal. I was surprised to see that the Extreme Clean was also included in their $1 Aquafresh toothpaste deal. I collected some $1 off on any Aquafresh toothpaste (I got it form the machine at CVS that dispenses coupons) and used it on 36 Aquafresh Extreme Clean tootphaste. I also got 4 Sun Drop sodas for $0.88 each and used a $1 off coupon on any one Sun Drop and 2 - $0.55 off on any one Sun Drop soda. My total cash out for this trip was only $1.42 + some tax. Now isn't that a great deal? :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

BIC(R) Soleil(R) Savvy Razor BzzAgent Campaign

Anybody tired of having unwanted hair in their body? I sure am. I have been using razors since I wanted to remove unwanted hair because (1) I haven't tried waxing (it seems painful from the looks on movies and TV shows. Now who would agree to this?) and (2) it is the most convenient way for me. Now the problem with using a razor, often times, I can't achieve the feeling of smooth skin (because there's always a little bit of hair left sticking out). I do believe I'm doing it the right way. Now when I saw this campaign (which is my 3rd campaign as a BzzAgent) I accepted it without hesitation because I saw the way it looks (which is very girly and pink) and I love it! :) I am excited to try it and am excited for the results. I will update you on this once I receive my sample. :)

Smooth N Shine Polishing Keratin Power BzzAgent Campaign

I am a member of BzzAgent and this is my 2nd campaign. This is about the Smooth "n Shine Keratin Power Semi-Permanent Hair Tamer.

My hair is a bit wavy. Not curly but wavy and fluffy. Now why am I excited about this and blogging it here? Well,, based on my experience, I have gone to salons several times to have my hair relaxed, rebonded or straightened with chemicals. Now everytime I have these done, after a few days (okay 4 days at the most) my hair returns back to its wavy texture. I don't know why that happens but other people I know who have their hair relaxed or straightened or rebonded maintains their hair or their hair stays the same. Now for my hair, I won't comment (LOL). Maybe it has a mind of its own. :)

So now, I am into this campaign and I am excited to receive the free sample and try to use it. Take note, this is the first time I'm going to use this and the first time I'm going to do it by myself. I am exited to see the results because I've heard good things about this (crossing my fingers). :) So I would write my experience as soon as I receive the free sample BzzAgent sent me. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

First Post!

Okay so this is my first post here (actually the first time blogging) and I would like to familiarize myself with this. :) So please bear with me and I'll post something more later. :)